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Patient with Healthcare Nurse


Quality Care

Oncology Rehabilitation:

Cancer and its treatment may affect your physical functioning and energy. Some cancers may cause fatigue or peripheral neuropathy (pain, numbness or tingling in the hands or feet), which may affect your ability to participate in your normal activities. Throughout your treatment, our oncology rehabilitation therapists are available to work with you and your care team to help improve your physical and cognitive functioning, energy level and sense of well-being. We also provide an educational component to help you understand the physical and psychological benefits of physical restoration, and to help prepare you and your family for continuing the program at home.

Oedema management:

Our certified therapists use their knowledge and experience to treat all conditions presenting with oedema and even to prevent oedema from occurring. Manual Lymph drainage before surgery improves outcomes and results in a faster and more favourable recovery. Lymph drainage after surgery, such as plastic surgery, joint replacements and vascular procedures, similarly supports the lymphatic and circulatory systems and encourages tissue healing. 

Hand Therapy:

Hand therapy is a specialised area of occupational therapy. We focus on treating the cause of the injury and walk the client through the process of healing. Our team works closely with hand, orthopaedic and plastic surgeons to provide you with the best possible outcome. Common conditions treated are carpal tunnel syndrome, de quervains, overuse injuries such as tennis elbow, tendon repairs, fractures and sports injuries.

Occupational Therapy: Our Services
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